I spent the morning tidying and reorganising the Portal. I wanted it to be a bit more user friendly and practical. I also wanted to include a page for my personal learning network (PLN) after reading about it in the latest SCAN magazine (Vol 30 Number 4 2011). If you can get yourself a copy, Ruth Buchanan's article, "Developing a Personal Learning Network" is well worth a read. Many school libraries subscribe to SCAN and probably wouldn't mind lending a copy. For CSU students, the current issue isn't available yet online in the library. I've also begun compiling lists of tech and TL resources, some of which were on My Delicious but I wanted them all in one place. I also spend more time on the blog then perusing the delicious stacks. It also meant I could delete the useful websites list on my main page and free up the space for something more interesting. Note that I have changed the "Selection Aids" page to "Selectn & Weedg" - shortened to fit into the allowed space - and also to include weeding resources that I've found. One of my favourite is "Awful Library Books" who I've been following for a while via Twitter. They feature some library books that you can't believe were still on some library shelf somewhere. Hope you find my new pages useful! I would love to get some comments and while you're at it, if you regularly check in to the Portal, please follow me on Google Friend Connect. Just another way to extend that personal learning network!
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