Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Returning To Study

After a semester off, I have begun a new MEd TL subject - ETL 501 - Information Environment.  Today I printed off the subject overview, topic notes and readings (because I find it easier reading and making notes on paper) and organised my folder.  This takes a while but is worth it in the long run.  I've started a little late because we were away on holidays and I was stressing a bit but now I've actually started it doesnt seem so bad.  I'm only tackling one subject this semester.  Doing two over semester 3 2011 was a bit much and although I passed, I didnt do as well as I wanted to.  I am also working a lot more this semester and will start a full time maternity leave position on a Kindergarten class around week 7 of this term.  It will be interesting to see how I juggle fulltime work and study at the same time.