Friday, September 28, 2012

Assignment 2 - Pathfinder

Well I have completed my pathfinder (I think) for Assignment 2.  I only have part B to do now.  The critical reflection.   There is so much more to this assignment than I previously considered.  In 1000 words (+/- 10%) we need to reflect on what we have learnt through the creation of the pathfinder, and also bring into it what we have learnt through this unit of study.  Mmmmm...and only in 1000 words.  I have created a mind map on the various parts we have to include, as well as my thoughts, and I think it is going to be difficult.  Particularly as I can't get 5 minutes to myself (being school holidays).  Tomorrow hubby says he will take the kids out for the day so I can get a good run of it.  We'll see.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Topic 6 : Improving Student's Web Use

My notes from topic 6 module's activities. 

How could you teach this to a Year 7 class???

a)      DEFINING  Concept maps.  Student directed activity: what is a mind map?  Why do you need one?  What should it have in it?  Show students a range of different maps to stimulate ideas.  Ask how do you group ideas on a mind map/distinguish between the different sections.  Students work in groups & share ideas with other groups to come up with an outline that suits their needs.  Relate to a tree/branches. Show students how to use an online tool such as to brainstorm/create concept maps.

b)      QUESTIONING  Ask them why they should ask questions (purpose).  Groups come up with ideas through a mind map.  Share with class to explore reasons.  From "Teaching Students to answer their own questions" : “When you ask the question, you feel like it’s your job to get the answer, and you want to figure it out.”  Use QFT (question formulation technique): See QFT Six Steps  - prompt, produce, improve, prioritize, decide, reflect.

c)      SEARCHING  Developing search strategies. Brainstorm "search strategy"/concept map, reasons for. Other ways: Use Boolify to get students to look at different ways to search, look at how search engine works/different search engines, practice searching/comparing engines using Search Tools for Kids.

d)      SELECTION/EVALUATION  Teaching students to be critical readers/what to look for.  Concept map- benefits of website evaluation, then share ideas.  Using the Web from Education Place-  contains good pointers for students. Kathy Schrock's 5Ws- easy for kids to understand. Credible sources count! - useful for showing the importance of credible sources.  Students could create concept map of different ways to take notes.  Look at positive/negative aspects of each. Use this summarization strategy to develop note taking skills.

e)      REFLECTIVE/EVALUATION Teaching students to be reflective web users.  Include this IN the assignment! Allow students to grade their own and/or another students research process using a rubric.  Base the rubric on Bloom using questions similar to The Reflective Student to develop deeper reflection.

ETL 503 Topic 5: Web 2.0 and The School Library

I have had the most amazing, busy week!  Monday I started my new position as Kindergarten teacher at a local school.  Finally I can put into practice all those ideas I have been pinning on Pinterest!  But it has also kept me very busy after school, not to mention tired.  So study was put on the back burner this week until the weekend.  The house may be a mess but I have ploughed through topics 5 and 6.  Here are my notes for topic 5 which I had to post on the forum.

Key Aspects of Web 2.0 - sharing ideas and info: between teachers, between teachers and TLs, between exec and teachers, between students and teachers, ....possibilities are only limited by creativity. Everyone from the school community can be involved.

Opportunities for TLs- foster collaboration and participation, greater student involvement in the learning process. Links between home/school.

TLs cannot ignore such a unique, useful, interactive learning platform.

TL Blog use - promote new books & library activities, links to author's websites, links and info about searching, evaluating websites, useful links for assignments....

Possible problems - time, finding new ways to encourage readers/interaction.

Wikis - exploring the research process with students, publishing students work, student collaboration, student/teacher collaboration,  teacher collaboration, professional development, use as a sharing platform as you would a blog.

Social bookmarking - used in school context to gather information on specific topics/areas for professional development, collaboration on topics, collating resources for student use/teacher use.

Possible issues - need to check regularly that info is up to date, are there any dead links, evaluate links as you would any library resource which takes time.

Other aspects of web 2.0 - I use flickr for my logging any creative stuff I make and ideas for classroom displays/craft, Picasa for sharing and storing personal photos.  Pinterest has been the most useful professionally for me, it's great for finding ideas and storing faves visually.  I also use twitter for keeping up to date and finding new/interesting happenings in the world of the TL.

Protecting Your Intellectual Property

I was discussing uni assignments with my school principal the other day when I happened to mention that a fellow student had commented on the possibility that the information in our assignments may be used in some way by supervisors/markers in the writing of professional papers/publications.  My school principal, who is also studying, said he always puts the little copyright symbol, year date and his name at the bottom of each assignment page for that purpose.  With or without the copyright symbol your assignment is your intellectual property but it cannot hurt to remind all readers of the fact.