Thursday, February 27, 2014

ETL 504 The Teacher Librarian as Leader

So after an extended break I am back on track, studying again.  I am a little bit nervous but am also looking forward to it.  In this subject we are asked to critically reflect on our current views of leadership and the role of the teacher librarian  in schools.  Before I start module one I wanted to write a bit about how I currently view the leadership role.  It's probably easier if I write about what leadership is not because, honestly, most of my experience of leadership in schools has not been positive.  A leader should not become a leader for the attention and "glory".  They should not dictate what has to be done, or enforce change on others without discussion.  Leaders should show respect to all.  I think they need to be fairly amiable, and have the ability to get along with others. They need to be able to listen and take on criticism, using it for improvement.  I also think leaders, particularly in schools, have a responsibility to bring new ideas and experience to the school.  Leadership, in my opinion, can take on many different forms.  You can still be a leader without being right out there in the public eye.  A leader can and should motivate others and encourage change that leads to improvements in pedagogy and school procedures. 

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